Trade & Vocational School in Houston, TX

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MIAT Houston Campus in Transition

MIAT Houston is merging with UTI Houston in 2024. We'll streamline program offerings and offer enhanced support services to improve the training experience.

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Train in Houston, TX

Looking for skilled trades training in the Houston area? We offer Airframe and Powerplant training right here in Houston. Our program is designed to get you career-ready, equipping you with the knowledge and skills these industries require.84,125

Core Program Offered

Aviation Technician Training in Houston, TX

Our Airframe and Powerplant Technician training program is designed to provide the hands-on training and skills required to pursue a career as an aviation technician.80

Campus Location

There’s a lot to do in the Houston area, making it a great place to call home while you train. Downtown Houston, Lake Conroe, the NASA Johnson Space Center and many of Houston’s other attractions are within driving distance of the campus.

533 Northpark Central Drive
   Houston, TX 77073

888-547-7047 | Campus

Start Your Career Training

If you’re ready to start training and learn about possible career opportunities in the field, click the request info link at the top of this page.2.1,125 We’ll connect you with an Admissions Representative who can help you start your journey.